January Training – Unfortunately, the weather got the best of us this year for the January Training date and we had to cancel. While we typically train in ANY weather – we will not put our members in harms way from winter storms or thunderstorms for the sake of training. Next training Feb 29th.
Medic Alert Canada Connect Protect – The Port Hope Police Service joined the Medic Alert Connect Protect Service which provides registration for vulnerable members of the public. By registering your love one, the Police service has immediate access to information critical to helping locate the missing person. The Cobourg Police Service also joined the Service earlier this year. This program will allow the Police Services to provide information faster to us, as a ground search and rescue group, to help improve the likelihood of a positive outcome. The public should register their loved ones at Medic Alert Canada. https://www.medicalert.ca/Programs/MedicAlert-Connect-Protect

February 29th Training – Members of the OCEAP Operations (Ops) Group taking a lunch break at our February 29th training day. Just like a leap year, this group of leaders is extra special. The Ops group coordinates all activities for OCEAP and ensures the ongoing operational capabilities. They don’t always get the credit they deserve for all the extra work they put into the Program above and beyond their mandatory training hours. Great work all!