OCEAP members participated in the Cobourg Santa Claus parade this year. Following the command post through the parade route, members got into character with the theme song Grandma got run over by a Reindeer. OCEAP members were quick to rush to Grandma’s assistance and keep the parade moving. A great thanks to all of our volunteers who helped plan and execute the event. Well done.
Thanks to Grandma and the runaway Reindeer!Great help decorating the Command Post for the festivities.
A dozen members of OCEAP were on hand in Port Hope today to assist with the 2022 Santa Claus parade. Our dedicated members assisted with public safety by monitoring the road barricades along the parade route. It was a beautiful day and a great parade! Thanks to all of our members for helping out to keep Santa and our community safe.
CP-02 participated in the parade!Just a few decorations to get into the holiday season.
OCEAP members assisted the Town of Port Hope with road closures during the Candlelight Walk last evening. A procession of singers holding candles worked their way down Walton and Queen Streets to the park where the Christmas lights were lit. OCEAP members attend these events at the request of the Municipality of Port Hope to provide an additional level of safety to the events.
OCEAP held an urban search and rescue training exercise today. With the support of Jubalee Beach Park, OCEAP members have an opportunity to search actual neighborhoods – looking around buildings, under decks and in sheds. We have been lucky to be able to make use of this venue for many years as an annual fall exercise.
The weather gave us a bit of an additional challenge as lake effect snow blew in reducing visibility and making walking and finding clues more difficult for the crews. We were also lucky to have a volunteer come out and take on the role of victim for the day. It was a great day and we believe members gained valuable experience.
A bit of weather moved in as the crews were preparing to head out.Training segment 1A with Crew 1120Evacuating our ‘victim’ to safety.Team members at CP-02 at end of training.
OCEAP members were proud to attend the Remembrance Day Ceremony in Port Hope today. OCEAP members assisted the Municipality by assisting with the road closures to maintain public safety.
OCEAP members assisted Rebound Child and Youth Services in their Kilometers for Kids 5K and 10K runs in Cobourg. Working with St John Ambulance and Cobourg Police Auxiliary, our members led the two runs on bike and followed behind the last runners for safety.
Great day to be out on the beautiful Cobourg waterfront.
OCEAP held our October Training day on Saturday, October 15th in Port Hope. We were joined by our mutual aid partner Respond Search and Rescue as well as a number of new Members in Training.
OCEAP recently renewed our Memorandum of Understanding with the Cobourg Police Service. As part of our mutual cooperation, OCEAP did a presentation for the Cobourg Police Auxiliary Unit on our Team and what we do. This was followed by a high level briefing on Search and Rescue basics. We appreciated the opportunity to present and look forward to future training sessions together.
OCEAP in conjunction with the Port Hope Police and Port Hope Police Auxiliary held a Bike Safety Rodeo at the police station on August 12th. A mini course was laid out and bicycle safety was reviewed.
July 1st is an opportunity to reflect on how lucky we are to be Canadian and enjoy the freedoms and lifestyle that come with that. Happy Canada Day 2022.
It was nice to once again to have a parade down the main street of Port Hope. The parade was a little bit smaller than some years in the past, but it was still great to get out and enjoy the beautiful day.
OCEAP members assisted the Town and the Port Hope Police Service with monitoring road barricades in support of public safety throughout the day.
Walton and Cavan Streets in Port Hope.Parade was followed by music and children’s events in the Park.